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Cement vertical pipe making machine

The hanging roller pipe making machine adopts double fulcrum structure, the whole machine frame is semi-suspended mechanical distribution device, the electromagnetic speed regulating motor, and the suspension support part adopts the assembly structure form.

  • Cement vertical pipe making machine

The hanging roller pipe making machine adopts double fulcrum structure, the whole machine frame is semi-suspended mechanical distribution device, the electromagnetic speed regulating motor, and the suspension support part adopts the assembly structure form. It has the advantages of convenient installation, stable operation, and durability. It is suitable for the forming production of water transmission and drainage pipes. It has the advantages of reasonable structure, excellent performance, large pipe strength, and high output, it can produce concrete and reinforced concrete cement pipes with a length of 2-5 meters and a diameter of 200 mm to 2,600 mm. The pipe orifice joints include plain, spigot and socket, tongue and groove, etc. Each shift has 3-5 people, and the suspended roller cement pipe machine can produce 8-20 sections per hour.

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