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How to Pay Attention to the Maintenance of Cement Pipe Making Machine Details

Source:Shandong Hanshen Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.      Release date: 2023-04-17
To organize the on-site environment for the use of cement pipe making machines, clear different items on site to designated locations, and place necessary items in fixed locations.

For the maintenance of cement pipe making machines, it is not only necessary to regularly check the lubricating oil, hydraulic oil, coolant, oil level and quality, but also to check the sealing of the entire machine. The following details should also be noted:

1. To organize the on-site environment for the use of cement pipe making machines, clear different items on site to designated locations, and place necessary items in fixed locations.
2. Rectify the equipment, record the necessary tools for operation and maintenance, cleaning tools, and equipment inspection records, and provide convenience for timely maintenance.
3. The cement pipe making machine should be clean and the on-site environment should be "four five", "six no leakage", and "four no: no dust accumulation, no debris, no looseness, and no oil stains. Six no leaks: no oil leakage, no water leakage, no electric leakage, no air leakage, no air leakage, no material leakage.
4. Clean the equipment on time and clean the site.
5. Cement pipe making machines should be lubricated regularly and strictly follow the "five fixed" inspection of equipment lubrication management to confirm whether the lubrication system and cooling system are normal.
6. Inspect according to the patrol inspection content.
7. Tighten the foundation bolts and connecting bolts of various fixed parts.
8. Adjust the belt conveyor and zipper machine. The degree of tightness of the transmission chain ensures its optimal operation.
9. Check whether the safety and safety devices are sensitive, reliable, complete, and in good condition to ensure personal and equipment safety.
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