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Inspection well mold factory

The final step in using the inspection well mold is demolding. After the poured concrete slurry solidifies and stabilizes, demolding is required. After demolding, a large amount of clean water needs to be sprayed on the prefabricated parts of the inspection well, in order to make the later use of the prefabricated parts of the inspection well more convenient and smooth.

  • Inspection well mold factory

The final step in using the inspection well mold is demolding. After the poured concrete slurry solidifies and stabilizes, demolding is required. After demolding, a large amount of clean water needs to be sprayed on the prefabricated parts of the inspection well, in order to make the later use of the prefabricated parts of the inspection well more convenient and smooth. And after using the multi-functional inspection well mold, it is necessary to clean and maintain it. After spraying the surface of the inspection well mold with cleaning agent, use a cleaning tool brush to clean the surface to prevent concrete slurry from adhering to the surface of the inspection well mold and causing damage to the inspection well mold. After cleaning, the water stains on the surface of the inspection well mold also need to be wiped dry, and the inspection well mold needs to be coated with rust inhibitor to prevent rust and corrosion of the inspection well steel mold.

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